The objective of this course is to familiarize the students with the concepts and techniques used in quantitative analysis for financial decision making. Build skills for solving real world problem and data driven decision making.

Learning Outcomes:

·         Understanding quantitative analysis and scope

·         Concepts and methods used in quantitative analysis

·         Building skills for handling real world problems

·         Learn Excel solver, python and SPSS programming

·         Decision making(financial) with quantitative analysis

This course presents innovative strategies and best practices for improving supply chain performance. This course is designed to help students understand the role of supply chain management in improving the efficiency of the organization. This course highlights best practices across the entire value chain right from sourcing of inputs to the retailing of final products with a view to delivering improved value to the customers. The course attempts to cover the important dimensions of Supply chain management including supply chain strategy, supply chain inventory models and role of information technology in supply chain management.

Python is a special computer language that helps people create and run computer programs. It was made a long time ago and lots of people use it because it is easy to learn and understand. You don't have to do complicated things to start using it. It can help with lots of different things like making websites, working with data, and even making robots! Lots of big companies use Python too, like Google and Facebook. Python is a great choice for both beginners and people who are really good at programming. It is a very flexible language that can do many different things, and lots of people are excited about it!