MBA (FM) 2024-26 Batch's Industrial Visit M/s Maruti Suzuki Manesar 13.12.2024

MBA (FM) 2024-26 Batch's Industrial Visit M/s Maruti Suzuki Manesar 13.12.2024

by MBAFM Cell -
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MBA (FM) 2024-26 Industrial Visit to M/s Maruti Suzuki Manesar

by MBAFM Cell - Wednesday, 11 December 2024, 5:32 PM

This is to inform all MBA (FM) 2024-26 participants that an industrial visit to M/s Maruti Suzuki , Manesar has been scheduled as follows:

Date : 13th Dec. 2024

Time: 11 AM  to 1 PM

Venue: Maruti Suzuki India Ltd.

             Plot No.1, Phase 3A,

             IMT, Manesar Gurugram



  • Arrival & Welcome
  • Brief on Safety protocol & Plant Overview
  • Brief Q & A Session
  • Plant Visit on the designated pathways.
  • Lunch in Factory Premises ( Canteen).
  • Group Photograph at designated location only.

Please Note:

  1. No Photography or Videography allowed inside the plant premises.
  2. All Visitors to wear Comfortable shoes for the tour. No open -toe sandals or high heels shall be permitted.
  3. Smoking is not permitted inside the plant premises except for designated smoking locations.
  4. Use designated Gangways only for walking during the plant tour

 Boarding Details: Participants to board the bus at 8:45 AM from the Ganga Hostel  of the Institute.

All participants  of MBA (FM) 2024-26 batch are requested to adhere to the schedule and ensure timely boarding.